The Ridge Church and Sullivan Christian Church Merger |
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are the two churches merging?
To better serve the Kingdom of God and our community.
What are the benefits of this proposed merger?
The two churches becoming one will be able to better deploy the resources that God has provided to reach the people of Sullivan with the Gospel.
How does this affect the community and our ability to spread the Gospel?
The community will see the witness of the Kingdom of God as two churches come together in one accord for the glory of the Gospel and furtherment of the Kingdom of God.
Will our church have a new name and what will it be?
The Church will be named The Ridge Church of Sullivan
Who will be our Senior Pastor?
Matt Dudley will be the Senior Pastor.
What will happen to the existing pastors and staff?
Existing staff and pastors will still serve in important ministry roles inside the church.
What will happen to the churches’ leadership ministry teams?
Over the next year the ministry teams will continue to merge into one cohesive team.
What will happen to church facilities?
The Sullivan Christian Church building will become the primary home of operations for the merged churches and The Ridge building
will either be repurposed for a ministry, rented, or sold.
What will worship services be like?
Worship services will be Sunday mornings at 9am and 11am. The worship format will continue the current format of The Ridge Church.
How will sermons be delivered?
Matt Dudley as the senior pastor will do the majority of preaching. Others on the ministry team will occasionally share in preaching responsibilities.
How will the budget and finances be managed?
The budget and finances will be managed by the finance team led by the Administrative Pastor Mike King (assisted by Tony Schwarm and Cindy Pettus).
Will our denomination and affiliations change?
The church will be an independent body of believers.
What will happen to our supported missionaries and organizations?
All current missionaries and organizations will continue to be supported by the church and in prayer more will be added as God blesses the church.
What is the timeline of the proposed Merger?
Our goal is to have our first services together as one church on October 22nd.
What are my next steps?
Be in prayer for the Church leadership, the future of the Gospel in the community of Sullivan and surrounding communities.